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Sales Price $11.95

Acetyl L-Carnitine 500 mg .
1 Bottle, 30 Capsules .Each capsule delivers 500 mg of Acetyl L-Carnitine.​
L-Carnitine is a popular ingredient in fat burners:
1 Bottle 30 Capsules Description

Vitamin Prime (by Health Solution) Acetyl L-Carnitine helps maintain healthy neurological function by delivering antioxidant protection throughout the entire nervous system. Muscles throughout your body need this energy as well to grow stronger as you exercise. Your brain uses this energy to maintain healthy functions like neurotransmitter production. 

Acetyl L-carnitine is an amino acid : (a building block for proteins) that is naturally produced in the body. Some people use L-carnitine for muscle disorders associated with certain immune defficency medications, male infertility, a brain development disorder called and to improve athletic performance and endurance.

This is why carnitine is a popular ingredient in fat burners: One of the main roles that Carnitine plays in the body is in assisting the transport of fat into the mitochondria of cells, such as muscle cells. It is here in the mitochondria where the fat is burned away as fuel.  Research confirms that supplementing with carnitine increases the amount of fat burned, particularly during exercise and also boosts muscle endurance.

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Acetyl L- Carnitine
Vitamin Prime