
CHIA SEED OIL by Vitamin Prime


Chia Seed Oil has been getting quite a bit of popularity as of late, primarily due to its incredibly rich content of Omega-3 and other antioxidants.  Besides being a natural carcinogen, Chia Seeds naturally and efficiently boost energy levels, reduce blood sugar levels and accomplish many other weight-loss related functions. 

Chia Seeds effectively slow down the process of digestion, also preventing blood sugar level spikes, thus ultimately preventing weight gain before it happens.  Chia is so abundant in healthy fatty acids, few people actually realize where its name comes from - as "chia" in its original language means "oily".  Of course, the exception is that in this case we are talking about healthy oils, the ones that in fact lead to increased metabolism and, as a result, faster fat burn rates.

​As an added benefit, the special Chia Seed supplement developed by Vitamin Prime also contains calcium that is crucial for supporting bone health;  is abundant in the mineral phosphorus that is absolutely critical for healthy cell and tissue growth.  But mainly and most famously, Chia Seeds provide a sort of stabilizing effect on blood sugar levels, which - for lack of a better term - quickly destroys and eliminates belly fat, and keeps if off!

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Date of Press Release ​:
​Nov 12th, 2014

Regular Price: $​14.95    Sales Price $11.95

Health Blog  - CHIA SEED OIL

Vitamin Prime