
Date of Press Release ​:
Jan, 2 2014 20:01

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Green Coffee Beans are Coffee Beans that are fresh and have not been roasted. Coffee Beans naturally contain a compound called chlorogenic acid, which is the active weight loss compound in pure green coffee beans.​

Chlorogenic acid is an antioxidant that is utilized in the body to maintain blood sugar levels. Roasting Coffee Beans destroys the Cholorgenic Acid. Green coffee beans can remove unwanted parasites in the colon that absorb nutrients that your body naturally needs. With these parasites, you are inclined to eat more in order to get these nutrients back. 

​The green coffee bean cleanse has been known to aid in as much as 30 percent weight loss as well as reduce cellulite appearance. Recent clinical studies and trials have shown that the specific combination of Chologenic Acid and caffeine are effective for weight loss. Green coffee beans also acts as a detoxifying agent that will purify and flush out the colon of any toxins:

Clean and Detoxify your Body
Supports Reduction of Body Fat and Weight Loss
Featured on the Dr. Oz show and website
​Healthy Weight Management

Product of USA - FDA & GMP Certified Facilities

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