


Is it actually true that green coffee beans can help people drop significant weight?  This simple yet effective supplement has gained quite a bit of popularity in the last several years, however, people are still not sure as to its effectiveness and true impact it may have on the weight loss process.  So let's look at the facts.

Green Coffee are those beans that have not yet been roasted;  therefore, they contain all the various supplemental elements that otherwise get removed during the process of roasting.  One example - chlorogenic acid, the actual element responsible for the weight-loss claims that Green Coffee Beans have received.  This particular acid has incredible nature-given antioxidant powers that work to help with the complicated process of losing those extra pounds.  How exactly?

The chlorogenic acid contained in Green Coffee beans slows down the release of sugars in the bloodstream, which in turn helps with weight loss. Quite simply, it also increases thermogenesis, the process of producing body heat, and therefore, fat is burned much faster and weight is gained much slower.  Green Coffee Beans by Vitamin Prime contained only the purest green beans, retaining all the necessary natural acids required for the effective and natural weight loss supplementation.

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Date of Press Release ​:
​Nov 12th, 2014

Regular Price: $​14.95    Sales Price $11.95


Vitamin Prime