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L-Theanine 200mg.

L-Theanine - 200mg each Capsule. 60 Capsules per Bottle.

There have been numerous studies conducted as to the claims for benefits of L-Theanine as well as extensive research conducted to determine if there are also L-Theanine side effects.
Theanine is a supplement extracted from tea and believed to be key to many vital functions including that of focus, sleep, immune system strength and even blood pressure control.​
L-Theanine was the subject of a paper 1999 published by Food Science and Technology. Individuals were given 50 – 200 mg of Theanine weekly. Their brain waves were measured and those who received the highest dosages of Theanine produced the most alpha waves. Alpha waves are the calm and yet alert brain state required to focus on complex tasks as opposed to Beta waves which are a state of high activity but also possibly excited and stressed states.
  Four different animal studies indicated that Theanine produces dopamine: Dopamine is a hormone that produces a sense of well being; it is released during pleasurable activities such as sex or eating. In 2004, a study was conducted by Harvard medical school that indicates that Theanine acts as an immune booster and that it increases the body’s resistance to colds and flu.
Theanine has been studied in conjunction with cancer treatments: specifically with patients undergoing chemotherapy. The results are nothing less than very promising.

Vitamin Prime