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Vitamin Prime 
Organic Acai Juice Powder
Organic Acai Berry Juice Powder
Pet Supplements by Vitamin Prime
Organic Acai Juice Powder

Organic Acai Juice Powder

​​Acai berriesare often called a Brazilian "superfruit." They're very native to the Amazon region where they're a staple food. Moreover, Acai berries recently gained popularity globally and are praised for being particularly beneficial to health and well-being. This amazing fruit certainly packs a lot of nutrition absolutely essential to your body

What Are Acai Berries?  In the Deep Amazon rainforest, acai berries frequently accompany meals. No doubt that that because they contain pits like apricots and olives, they're technically not a berry, but rather a drupe. Nevertheless, they're commonly referred to as berries.

Acai berries in avarage are 1-inch (2.5-cm) round fruits that grow on acai palm trees in the rainforests of Central and South America. Most of them have a dark purple skin and yellow flesh surrounding a large seed.

To make Acai Berry edible, they are soaked for some time to soften the tough outer skin and then mashed to form a dark purple paste. They have an earthy taste and it's often described as a cross between blackberries and unsweetened chocolate.

Acai Juice Powder Organicis known to have the most high antioxidant properties. This organic powder has a fine purple powder has a characteristic odor and taste. Acai has the unique ability to support healthy and normal cellular tissue growth. The ORAC value of Acai is one of the highest in the world. It is ideal for use as an astringent and fast blood cleanser.

Impressive Health Benefits of Organic Acai Juice Powder:

Acai Berries are Loaded With Antioxidants: Antioxidants are very important because they neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals throughout the body. If free radicals are not neutralized by antioxidants, they can severely damage cells and lead to a many of diseases, including cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Most of the Acai berries have an incredibly high amount of antioxidants, edging out other antioxidant-rich fruits like blueberries and cranberries.

Acai berries May Improve Cholesterol Levels: Animal studies have suggested that acai berry could help improve cholesterol levels by decreasing total and LDL cholesterol and it's possible that it could have a similar effect in humans.

A 2011 study had 10 overweight adults eat acai smoothies twice daily for one month. Overall, they had significantly lower total and "bad" LDL cholesterol at the end of the study.

They May Have a Possible Anti-Cancer Effect: Let be honest - while no one food is a magic shield against cancer, some foods are known to stop cancer cells from forming and spreading. Both test-tube and animal studies have revealed this sort of anti-cancer effect in acai. In mice, acai berry pulp has reduced the incidence of colon and bladder cancer. 

Acai berries Could Boost Brain Function: The many plant compounds in acai could also protect your brain from damage as you age. Many independent studies have shown this kind of protective effect in lab rats.

As we all learning lately the antioxidants in acai counteract the damaging effects of inflammation and oxidation in brain cells, which can negatively affect memory and learning.

In one recent study, acai even helped improve memory in aging rats. One of the ways in which the brain stays absolutely healthy is by cleaning up cells that are toxic or no longer working, this process known as autophagy. It makes way for new nerves to form, enhancing communication between brain cells.