Organic Alfalfa Juice Powder

Alfalfa, also known as lucerne or Medicago sativa, is a plant that has been grown as feed for livestock for hundreds of years. It was long prized for its superior content of vitamins, minerals and protein, compared to other feed sources. Alfalfa is a part of the legume family, but it's also considered to be an herb.

It seems to have originally come from South and Central Asia, but it has since been grown around the world for centuries. In addition to being used as feed, it also has a long history of use as a medicinal herb for humans.

The ancient literature on this incredible plant—the edible parts look like tufts of bean sprouts—dates back to 1300 B.C., and it was used in Iran as fodder for horses. It would find later use in traditional Chinese and Indian Ayurveda as a treatment for a plethora of ailments.

Alfalfa is a perennial plant that grows in a temperate climates and sends its roots up to 20-30 feet deep into the ground. This allows it to extract essential minerals from the earth that make it such a wonderfully nutritious source of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.

IMMUNE SYSTEM BOOSTER: With a high content of vitamin C, this herb is an ideal booster for your immune system. Vitamin C not only stimulates the production of white blood cells but also acts as an antioxidant to eliminate oxidative stress. Furthermore, B vitamins and vitamin E also act as metabolic regulators and antioxidant compounds throughout the body, and both of those are also found in this unassuming sprout.

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GRASS POWDER AND JUICE POWDER: Alfalfa Juice Powder should not be confused with regular Alfalfa Grass Powder. Alfalfa Juice Powder is made by first juicing the Alfalfa Grass and removing all of the cellulose so a pure juice concentrate is left. Then the juice is dehydrated into a powder. In contrast, whole Alfalfa Grass Leaf Powder is made by drying the entire grass leaf and then milling it into a fine powder.

LOWER YOUR CHOLESTEROL LEVELS: Alfalfa's cholesterol-lowering ability is its best studied health benefit to date. One study of 15 people found that on average, eating 40 grams of alfalfa seeds 3 times per day decreased total cholesterol by 17% and "bad" LDL cholesterol by 18% after 8 weeks. 

This effect is attributed to its high content of saponins, which are plant compounds known to lower cholesterol levels. They do this by decreasing the absorption of cholesterol in the gut and increasing the excretion of compounds used to create new cholesterol 

VITAMINS AND MIENRALS FOR YOUR HEALTH: Alfalfa Grass Juice Powder is a complete, fully rounded source of vitamins and minerals that is really beneficial to the body. The leaves of this amazing plant contain eight amino acids as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron sulfides, choline and beta-carotene. It is said to be an excellent source of Vitamins A, B, D, C, E and K as well as zinc calcium. Alfalfa Grass is rich in saponins, phytoestrogen and antioxidants.

ANTIOXIDANT BOOST: Alfalfa has a long and usefull history of use in Ayurvedic medicine to treat conditions caused by inflammation and oxidative damage. This is because alfalfa was thought to act as a powerful antioxidant, preventing damage caused by free radicals. 

Several studies have now confirmed its antioxidant effects.

They found that alfalfa has the ability to reduce cell death and DNA damage caused by free radicals. It does this by both lowering the production of free radicals and improving the body's ability to fight them off.

Vitamin Prime 

Regular Price: $​34.95 

Sales Price $26.95

Organic Alfalfa Juice Powder
Organic Alfalfa Juice Powder by Vitamin Prime
Organic Alfalfa Juice Powder
Pet Supplements by Vitamin Prime